ATLANTA. April 1st, 2012. Today, Hi-Rez Studios announced that they have finally identified and corrected the ‘skiing bug’ within the popular Tribes gaming franchise.
The infamous bug was introduced in 1998 with the release of the original Starsiege: Tribes. A defect deep within the game’s physics subsystem allowed players to slide or ‘ski’ very quickly across wide-open terrain. For over 13 years, and across numerous Tribes sequels, this exploit has been used by players to gain incredible movement speeds – earning Tribes a reputation as the World’s Fastest Shooter.
Now, thanks to the debugging skills of Hi-Rez developer Don Zubis, skiing in Tribes has been eliminated.
“No more skiing! Tribes players can now travel at the more comfortable walking speed found in other modern shooters”, explains Todd Harris, Hi-Rez Studios Chief Operating Officer. “With this bug finally behind us, our dev team can move onto new gameplay mechanics including Super-Slow Walk, Go Prone, and the highly anticipated Crawl.”
The release date of Tribes: Ascend remains April 12, 2012. And Hi-Rez would not confirm whether this bug fix would indeed make it in time for that release build.
There remains significant risk that, on release day, Tribes: Ascend players will be able to go very, very fast.
About Hi-Rez Studios
Hi-Rez Studios was established in 2005 to create exceptional online interactive entertainment. In February 2010 the company released their first title, the squad-based shooter MMO Global Agenda. The team is now developing two other AAA free-to-play online games – Tribes: Ascend, the next installment of the popular Tribes franchise, and the upcoming MOBA game SMITE. For more info contact
To play Tribes: Ascend Open Beta today visit: All player progress and unlocks in Beta will be preserved through release with no planned character wipes.
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