Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta Version 0.1.669.0

The latest Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta Patch arrives today, Friday, January 6. Version 0.1.669.0 introduces a new Capture the Flag map (Arx Novena), a new Target Practice mode under the training menu, a number of performance improvements and more.

Server downtime: The Tribes Servers are expected to be down for several hours on FRIDAY, JANUARY 06, 2012 while the patch is deployed. Watch the Server Status in the Tribes launcher for latest availability information.

Major Highlights

  • An early version of the Arx Novena Capture the Flag map has been released. This map is in an early state and is not at its final intended art or design quality.
  • Added a new “Target Practice” mode under the Training menu. This is a variant of the Crossfire map that contains a variety of bots in it. These can be used to practice shooting.
  • Improved vehicle handling in high-latency situations. This is most noticeable on the Shrike.
  • Reduced stuttering when skiing/jetting.
  • By default, damage numbers appear above a players hit when you damage them. This can be turned off through the Settings menu.
  • The game warm-up period has been extended, in order to allow more users to load into the game prior to match start.
  • Adjusted flag bounce physics to help prevent punting a flag too far from a large impulse.

Read The Patch Notes

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